Breakout design supply artwork header

“The Council of Social Services of NSW (NCOSS) is pleased to support the quality and effectiveness of the printing and design conducted by BREAKOUT.”

Alison Peters
NCOSS – Council of Social Service
of New South Wales

“The professional standards and courtesy of the staff are second to none. Thank you for the continuing excellence of this social enterprise.”

Paddy Gorman
National Publicity Officer
CFMEU Mining and Energy Division

"You are AMAZING…thank-you!!!!!!!"

Melinda Godber
Learning & Development Manager
Australian Red Cross

“Oxfam encourages socially responsible companies to support Justice Action by inviting BREAKOUT to quote for their design and print work.”

Andrew Hewett
Executive Director
Oxfam/Community Aid Abroad

"BREAKOUT is a unique organisation because of its community service wing, Justice Action, a watchdog against abuses of authority."

Mark Lennon
Unions NSW

"BREAKOUT worked wonders for me. My book turned out exactly as I had envisioned. Everybody loves the cover."

Joy Hruby
Author, The Dubbo Dazzlers